Do you remember when you first heard the term IVF? Perhaps it was on the news or from a friend undergoing treatment. You would be hard-pressed to find a person nowadays who doesn’t know someone who has had a baby via IVF or been through the experience themselves.
Once considered unusual or even controversial, attitudes towards IVF in Australia have (thankfully) shifted dramatically over time. Due to its ability to help couples realise their dreams of creating a family where they might otherwise struggle, IVF is regarded with well-deserved positivity. For example, IVF for same-sex parents allows loving families to experience the joy of parenthood by breaking down the barriers to family building.
You might be surprised to learn that those starting or adding to their family through gender selection IVF can still face stigma and the fear of perceived judgment. For families yearning to welcome a much-wanted son or daughter through gender selection IVF, this can feel isolating and daunting.
So, how can you confidently navigate your unique fertility journey and seek support most beneficially? Our team at Gender Selection Australia is here to help.
The Stigma Surrounding Gender Selection in Australia
Our patients sometimes come to us with concerns about the criticism and negativity surrounding gender selection. These often stem from a lack of awareness and ignorance about the gender selection process. For some it can even seem unnatural or unconventional – criticisms leveled at reproductive assistance of every kind. Despite fertility treatment being a deeply personal choice, these patients are shocked to find that they experience judgement from family, friends, colleagues, or even doctors.
Did you know that despite the stigma in Australia, gender selection IVF is a widely accepted practice in other countries? Italy, the USA, Mexico and many Asian countries have embraced this technology. Disappointingly, for couples pursuing this empowering treatment in Australia, negative opinions can cast a pall over what should be an exciting experience.
How to Navigate Criticism and Hold True to Your Decision
When facing perceived or actual criticism, it’s important to remember the reason why gender selection is important for your family at front of mind. Only you are equipped to know what is best for your unique family dynamic. Keeping your reasoning at front of mind will help you to hold true to your goals and make informed choices based on your wishes and beliefs.
It is also beneficial to only share the details of your IVF journey with supportive people. This is true of any fertility journey as the process is very vulnerable and personal. The last thing you need is to spend valuable time and energy fielding unsolicited opinions. Remember that you’re under no obligation to share details or offer explanations to those with differing views on family building and reproductive technology.
Finding Support When Loved Ones Don’t Understand
When faced with negative or intrusive comments, it can mistakenly feel that no support exists. Online forums, support groups, and connecting with others who have gone through gender selection IVF can be fantastic places to join and build supportive communities. These spaces act as safe havens for couples and single parents undergoing fertility treatments to discuss the ins and outs of fertility treatment without fear of ignorance or unhelpful input.
Choosing the right professional support is vital as well. Your GSA Client Relationship Manager is here to guide and support you through this process. Our job is to make your journey as smooth and comfortable as possible so that you can focus on enjoying this exciting time.
Remember: if you can’t talk to those you know, there are always other ways to find support.
The Future of IVF and Gender Selection in Australia
Many families are eager to pursue gender selection IVF but are put off by the legal hurdles they face in Australia. Gender selection is a widely accepted practice overseas, being seen as a normal and healthy choice for family balancing.
In some countries, screening embryos for genetic conditions that may cause miscarriage is considered a positive step for family health. In addition to chromosomal abnormalities, the gender of the baby is revealed through PGT-A testing. Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, and XYY syndrome are among many abnormalities that can be screened for and avoided by PGT-A testing and gender selection IVF.
The concept of gender selection IVF is fast becoming normalised in Australia, however, legislation can take years to catch up to public opinion. Through Gender Selection Australia’s packages, you can access gender selection now, with multi-award winning IVF specialist Dr Potter in the USA, while remaining within Australian legal boundaries.
We now live in an age where you can fully embrace finishing your family the way you envision. Every parent we speak to, of their existing children, and their decision to pursue gender selection comes from a place of wanting the best possible family dynamic for everyone. When that time comes, you’ll be glad you made the choice that felt right for your family—embracing the opportunity while your fertility was strong and building the perfect family blend you always dreamed of.
Reach out to our friendly team to learn how we can facilitate your journey with gender selection IVF.